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模板王【wwwmobanwangcom】 模板王【wwwmobanwangcom】 发表于2024-04-19 00:37:47 浏览4245 评论0













(1)按操作的极坐标主要分为笛卡尔坐标机器人、圆柱坐标机器人(SCARA机器人)、球坐标机器人和关节型机器人。笛卡尔坐标机器人可以沿三个笛卡尔坐标运动,圆柱坐标机器人 可以进行升降、转动和伸缩运动。球坐标机器人可以转动、俯仰和伸展。多关节机器人有多个旋转关节。

(2)按功能主要分为焊接机器人、搬运机器人、装配机器人、加工机器人和喷涂机器人。焊接可分为点焊和弧焊。搬运机器人包括移动小车(AGV )、码垛机器人、机器人等,组装功能可完成包装和拆卸,加工功能可分为切割、打磨、抛光等。








得益于2015年中国政府提出的“中国制造2025”战略,工业机器人也成为十大重点发展领域之一。 2015年以来我国工业机器人产量增长较快。虽然国产机器人发展时间较短,但行业仍处于起步阶段,厂商整体规模较小,与国外品牌相比存在一定差距但一方面,中国本土企业在核心技术研发上不断取得突破,开始部分替代国外品牌产品。另一方面,通过并购,掌握了更多的先进技术,核心竞争力大幅提升。目前,中国国产工业机器人的运动精度普遍可达到0.1 mm,其承载能力、稳定性、可靠性均优于人力。它们可以逐步完成高强度精细工艺,并能保证产品质量的稳定性。 ,如使用机器人抛光,成品率可从87%提高到93%。中国国产工业机器人销量增速快于国外品牌,市场份额将逐步提升。

国内本体公司销售额排在前梯队的有埃夫特、埃斯顿、中维星、广州启帆、新世达、新松机器人、立群自动化、环研等,这些公司处于机器人行业的中上游产业链扩张,通过自主研发或收购等方式掌握零部件和车身的研发技术,不断扩大产能,同时产能利用率不断提升。目前国内主要品牌产能如下:埃夫特10000台/年,埃斯顿9000台/年,新世达10000台/年,新松机器人5000台/年。 15,000 个单位/年)。













我国消防机器人正逐渐呈现智能化、专业化发展趋势。不仅可以无线遥控,还可以根据事故现场,在无人控制的情况下,独立进行火源追踪、灭火、排烟等作业。同时,我国的消防机器人也将呈现出团队化的发展趋势。事故现场具有多样性和复杂性。单一功能的消防机器人很难解决所有问题。应与多种功能性消防机器人相结合,协同工作,以达到最大的消防救援功效。以高层建筑火灾为例,火灾探测机器人负责追踪火源并寻找幸存者,而消防机器人则负责扑灭火灾。 6月,日本第一支消防机器人部队“Scrum Force”成立。消防部队由空中监视机器人“天眼”、地面机器人“地眼”、软管布放机器人“硬卷”和“水炮”组成。 “机器人组成了一个完整的消防系统,可以深入到消防员难以到达的高危区域进行消防救援。



中国电力巡检机器人产业处于起步阶段,尚未形成充分的市场竞争格局。在中国政府大力推动电力设备国产化的背景下,行业参与者全部​​为国内巡检机器人厂商,国外巡检机器人厂商尚未进入中国。据统计,中国电力巡检机器人行业共有20多家巡检机器人厂商参与角逐,其中以山东鲁能、深圳朗驰、浙江国子、杭州申豪为主。这四家公司进入该行业较早。 ,在智能巡检机器人的研发上有比较深的技术沉淀,所以这四家公司中标率最高。



1990年代,日本开始研究应用于500kV变电站的轨检机器人,并提出了通过红外传感器自动测量电网设备温度的研究计划(见图2-3))。随后,何华也加入了巡检机器人的研究。 1999年,国网山东省电力公司电力科学研究院及其子公司山东鲁能智能科技有限公司(以下简称“山东鲁能”)首先开始进行变电站巡检机器人的研究。针对电力行业的运行特点,山东鲁能尝试将机器人应用到电力领域。 2002年,国家电网公司成立电力机器人技术实验室,逐步开展电力巡检机器人技术研究,2004年研制成功第一台机器人功能样机。随后,国家电网公司利用非接触式检测、机械可靠性设计、定位导航等技术,研制出可用于室外变电站,具有全天候、全区域自主运行功能的巡检机器人,和视觉伺服云台控制。它的功能列表一、价格昂贵,缺陷多,市场不愿意买。

2012年,在智能电网政策的大力推动下,电网智能化升级需求开始扩大。电力巡检机器人是电网智能化发展的重要载体。参与电力巡检机器人研发的企业逐渐增多。 2014年起,国家电网公司开始采用统一招标方式集中采购变电站智能巡检机器人。中国变电站机器人产业迎来高速增长期。亿嘉禾、浙江国资、浪驰新创、神昊科技等企业相继推出了各自的变电站巡检机器人产品。 2015年,随着配网智能化进程的加快,山东鲁能、易嘉禾、科达智能等行业龙头企业开始研发配电站智能室内巡检机器人。其中,江苏省电力公司作为国家电网智能电网和智能运维示范基地,在全国率先开展配电网智能化改造,运用巡检机器人提升日常巡检精准度工作。此后,在江苏省的牵头示范作用下,配电站智能巡检机器人也在天津、上海、河北等地投入使用。我国电力巡检机器人在仿真设计、机器人操控、模式识别等多项关键技术上不断取得突破。目前,行业整体发展水平已达到国际领先水平。但从应用来看,人工智能技术尚未完全成熟,导致电网巡检机器人功能单一,无法满足电网运维的全部需求,从而真正替代人工巡检。

2012年后,电网智能化升级需求逐渐开始释放,中国电力巡检机器人产业发展前景逐渐明朗。智能巡检技术是一项新兴技术,技术的成熟度直接影响电力巡检机器人的普及率。人工巡检存在人员专业素质、技术经验、工作热情等不确定因素。机器人巡检可以弥补人工巡检在这方面的不足,提高运维效率和质量,同时兼具安全性和经济性。 电力巡检机器人的需求主要来自国家电网和地方电网。电网企业对电力巡检机器人的需求保持快速增长,电力巡检机器人的市场空间逐渐开始扩大。未来,智能电网的建设和改造将不断加快。随着机器人巡检技术的逐渐成熟,图像识别将更加准确,能够大大提高巡检的效率和质量。



近年来,我国机器人产量持续增长。 2021年国内机器人产量约41.62万台。






2020 年开始的疫情,冲击了整个制造业。在国家逆周期宏观政策的对冲下,行业正在复苏,而作为制造业投资前端的通用自动化行业也在复苏。通用自动化行业包括工业机器人、机床、注塑机、压铸机、激光设备等用于制造加工的设备。












根据人才网提供的数据,全国工业机器人岗位需求量为16465个,远超预期。传统制造业工作的薪资待遇要高得多。 70%的工业机器人应用工程师月薪在1万元以上,其中35%的人月薪在2.5万以上。

根据新发布的《制造业人才发展规划指南》,我国目前工业机器人行业人才缺口预计达到300万,到2025年将达到450万。目前机器人供需比为1 : 10.因此社会和企业开始重视制造业人才的培养,未来会有更多的人才进入机器人行业。










At present, my country's robot market is in a period of rapid growth, and the demand for various talents is relatively large. The General Office of the State Council and the Ministry of Education have successively issued a series of documents and measures such as "Several Opinions on Deepening the Integration of Industry and Education" and "Measures for the Promotion of School-Enterprise Cooperation in Vocational Schools" to deepen the mechanism of industry-education integration and school-enterprise cooperation, and provide talents in the field of robotics in my country. Cultivation provides a strong guarantee. In order to actively implement and implement national policies, local governments, based on the development status of the robot industry in the region, encourage robot companies and parks to cooperate with local universities to jointly cultivate robot application talents, and improve the field of robotics from secondary vocational, higher vocational, applied undergraduate to professional degree graduate students. The training system will optimize the professional layout around the intelligent manufacturing industry chain and innovation chain, and basically form a professional setting for industrial robotics-related disciplines that is compatible with the manufacturing industry layout. In the southeastern coastal areas of my country, local governments have fully learned from the "dual system" model of German vocational education, issued policies to set up special financial-related projects, built public training centers with multiple inputs, shared resources, and operated independently, and explored projects based on work process and production. The school-enterprise collaborative education mechanism. By combining the development foundation of the robotics industry in the region, encourage existing park robotics companies and local universities to jointly cultivate robotics R&D and application-oriented talents, effectively solving problems such as the unsmooth operation mechanism of school-enterprise cooperation, irregular cooperation agreements, and inconspicuous transformation of achievements.

4、Robot cooperation at home and abroad has been comprehensively expanded to multiple fields

Industrial upgrading is the only way for the development of China's robot industry. With the vigorous development of my country's robot industry, the mode of cooperation between domestic and foreign enterprises has gradually changed from joint investment and establishment of joint ventures to multi-field cooperation and development, which is mainly reflected in the following three aspect. First, the cross-domain robotics technology exchanges are becoming more and more frequent. In the field of robot research and development, Fosun Pharma and Intuitive Surgical Inc. of the United States cooperated to develop cancer diagnosis and treatment robots, and established a research and development and manufacturing center in China to jointly carry out scientific research on special products, effectively improving the rate of product research and development and accelerating the implementation of products.过程。 Second, domestic and foreign institutions have gradually established standard cooperation in the robotics industry. After two years of in-depth research on the domestic robot cable market, the German technical service provider TÜV Rheinland worked with the China Robot Industry Alliance to formulate and release China's first standard for robot cables. This standard makes systematic regulations on the physical, mechanical and electrical properties of robot cables, and categorizes them according to different motion forms, which greatly reduces the R&D cost of cable manufacturers and helps Chinese robot manufacturers evaluate suppliers' capabilities and control supply. The quality of commercial products provides a direct and reliable basis. Third, Chinese enterprises are actively seeking overseas cooperation to jointly expand the international market. Nanjing Estun cooperated with TRIO, a British motion control company, to develop a complete motion control solution based on TRIO controller + ESTUN servo system. Standard, provide localized after-sales technical services for European customers, and comprehensively improve the international technical level of Estun Robot.

5、The public service platform of some fast-growing parks urgently needs to be upgraded and improved

At present, there are more than 60 robot industrial parks under construction or completed nationwide, showing the characteristics of "full bloom and regional concentration". With the continuous improvement of the degree of agglomeration of my country's robot industry, some of the fast-developing public service platforms of robot parks can no longer fully meet the development needs of enterprises, and urgently need to be upgraded and improved. On the one hand, the number of enterprises in the park continues to grow, the localization industry chain is becoming more and more clear, and the proportion of many enterprises in the localized market continues to increase. There is an urgent need for the public service platform in the park to provide product certification and quality more suitable for the local supply and sales market. Testing services to improve the production and operation efficiency of robot enterprises. On the other hand, with the development of enterprises in the park becoming more and more mature, there are more demands for services such as sharing of technical resources and transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the area. Based on this, the public service platform in the park needs to be improved and upgraded on the original basis to enhance scientific and technological resources. Comprehensive utilization rate, build a multi-participation and benefit-sharing achievement transformation platform, accelerate the industrialization of robotics, and improve the transformation rate of scientific and technological achievements.

6、Small and medium robot companies rely on business innovation to build a new industrial ecology

At present, most of the small and medium-sized robot enterprises in my country are concentrated in the downstream integrated supporting field, and the competition is still fierce. In this context, small and medium-sized robot enterprises in some regions have begun to innovate their business models and build new competitive advantages. On the one hand, give full play to the role of system integrators as a bridge connecting upstream component companies, ontology companies and downstream manufacturing companies, and integrate resources such as R&D, design, manufacturing, supply, and sales markets to build an industrial chain cooperation platform and establish industrial alliances. Form a joint force, establish the advantages of unified purchasing and unified sales through centralized procurement, revitalize the terminal demand market, form a scale effect, increase the market bargaining space, and create a benign development pattern in which upstream and downstream small and medium-sized enterprises pull and promote each other. On the other hand, small and medium-sized robot enterprises and surrounding enterprises have jointly established a robot training base for practical teaching links such as skills training, simulation training, and innovation training that are close to production, technology, and technology. The systematic training venue also provides a shared platform for surrounding vocational colleges and training institutions to accelerate the advancement of the industry.

7、The market and technology jointly drive the development of robots to emerging fields

With the gradual disappearance of my country's demographic dividend and the rapid rise in labor costs, the demand for robots in labor-intensive industries such as warehousing and logistics, consumer goods processing and manufacturing, and dangerous operations is becoming more and more urgent, and the technical improvement of robots has also been proposed.更高的要求。 In recent years, the rapid development of neural network and deep learning technology has accelerated practical breakthroughs in image recognition, speech recognition, natural language understanding and other technologies, significantly improved robot perception, interaction and decision-making capabilities, and further enriched and improved the functions and performance of robot products. , to accelerate the application of robot products in more emerging fields, and bring new kinetic energy and growth points to the robot industry. For example, in the field of intelligent companionship and emotional interaction, robots can use technologies such as natural language understanding, voice, vision, and situation recognition to form unique and differentiated feedback effects based on the personalities, habits, and emotional expressions of different customers to satisfy users’ companionship and communication.的要求。 In the field of professional cleaning, with the development of 3D scene modeling, navigation and positioning and visual recognition technologies, intelligent cleaning robots can perform specialized cleaning for special objects in complex environments such as skyscrapers, underground pipes, underwater cables and nuclear power plants, reducing Manual maintenance cost and difficulty. In the field of military and national defense, a variety of military robots represented by military UAVs and unmanned submarines can independently complete predetermined tasks on the battlefield with their own scene recognition technology and logical analysis capabilities.

